Happy Hour Nov 2023 (changed)

Monthly Happy Hour  It's a very good chance to meet our DSOBA General Committee Members and New Members!  All DBS Boys are welcome!! Date: Fri 1 Dec 2023 (changed) Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Venue: Studio 31, 31 Wyndham Street, Central (Central MTR: Exit D1) Fee: $200...

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DSOBA Annual Dinner Raffle Tickets 2023 – AD102

Diocesan School Old Boys' Association Ltd Annual Dinner 2023拔萃男書院舊生會2023周年晚宴Raffle Ticket (Lottery Licence No.: 4880)Drawing ResultsDrawing took place on 2nd December, 2023 at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centreand results are as follows: # Ticket...

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DBS News

DBSPD Fun Run 2023 – school facility arrangements

We like to inform all Members that due to the DBSPD Fun Run, Walk and Lunch 2023 on 30th April 2023 there will be no parking available even for the Sunday valid parking labels. Furthermore there will be no booking available for the following sports facilities on that...

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Temp Closure of School Drive & Chi Ping Drive 30-Apr-2023 

Please be informed that the above drive will be temporarily closed for the DBS Fun Run & Walk during the following intervals: DateL 30 April 2023Time: 10:15 - 10:45am / 11:00 - 11:30am / 11:45 - 12:15pm (subject to change according to actual running time of...

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DSOBA Chapters News

Medical & Healthcare Chapter – Annual Dinner 2018

Friday 5 January 2018 DBS – New Dining Room (next to Glass Pavilion)Reception 6:30 pm, Dinner 7:30 pm. The challenges and options: A DBS boy as a healthcare leader, an academic and beyond…. Dr. Luk Che Chung (’78) Cluster Chief Executive, HKWC, Hospital AuthorityDr....

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The Association

A limited company incorporated in Hong Kong on August 31, 1979.

Key Objectives

To foster and maintain contact between Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.

To promote and encourage social interaction amongst the members of the Association and the Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.

To establish, maintain and conduct a social club for the accommodation of members of the Association and their friends, and to provide club premises and other conveniences and generally to afford to members and their friends all the usual privileges, advantages, conveniences and accommodation of a social club.

To further the interest of past & present of the members of the DBS.
