Chapters / Groups
DSOBA Industry Chapters
An industry chapter is an industry or profession based group within the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association (DSOBA). Each industry chapter is composed of Old Boys who belong to one or a group of clearly defined industries or professions.
Purpose of an industry chapter
The primary purpose for which a chapter is formed is to help achieve the key objectives of the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association through industry or profession based groups.
The key objectives of the DSOBA Industry Chapters are:
• To foster and maintain contact between Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.
• To promote and encourage social interaction amongst the members of the DSOBA and the Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.
• To establish, maintain and conduct a social club for the accommodation of members of the DSOBA and their friends, and to provide club premises and other conveniences and generally to afford to members and their friends all the usual privileges, advantages, conveniences and accommodation of a social club.
• To further the interest of past & present of the members of the Diocesan Boys’ School.
To learn more about our industry chapters please contact Sonia at 27135268 or email sonia@dsoba.org.