Centennial Gala

Grand Hall, HKCEC
Reception 4:30pm   
Gala Show 6:00pm

This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association “DSOBA”. In celebration of its Centennial anniversary, the DSOBA Centennial Gala, a fully mask-required event, will be held at the Grand Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai on November 20, 2021 (Saturday) from 4:30pm till 7:45pm, followed by an optional subscription to our Post-Gala Dinner Banquet (with limited seats under the current social distancing measures), at another hall starting from 8pm onwards.

We would like to cordially invite you to join us at our Centennial Gala, “An Evening of Celebration, A Century of Brotherhood”.  We have prepared for you an exciting evening packed with a variety of high-caliber production & performances.  The night would also be a great opportunity for you to reunite with fellow Diocesans and friends! 

Subject to the current social distancing measures, we also welcome you to subscribe to our post-gala dinner banquet.  Come join us at our Centenary festivities and enjoy an unforgettable evening with your old friends! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity you don’t want to miss!  Tickets are subject to availability, so get yours now before they are sold out! 

Kindly reserve your seat(s) early by completing the following DSOBA Centennial Gala Online Form and understanding the requirements for attending the events:

Centennial Gala Ticket Reservation: https://www.dsoba.com/event/cg100-event/

Post-Gala Dinner Banquet Subscription (Gala attendees only): https://forms.gle/xsY5zpxaMxVghWQq5

If you have any questions, or require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Simon Tang ‘92 at 9488-8855 (email: simonsktang@gmail.com), Mr. Lambert Lui ‘95 at 9838-1230 (email: lambertlui@outlook.com), Mr. Raymond Richard Ip ‘96 at 9276-6364 (email: relation@gmail.com) or Ms. Wing Tsang at 2713-5268 (email: wing.tsang@dsoba.org).

We thank you in advance for your kind support, and look forward to having an unforgettable time with you that evening.

Yours sincerely 
2021 DSOBA Centennial Gala Committee
