This is a rare video glimpse of DBS in the 50s with all the old buildings and gym. It was in a movie made by various famous actors / singers when DBS loaned the school premise for their shooting.
The film was made in the late 50s. Both the late stars 沈殿霞 and 鄧光榮 also came up to make films in the late 60s. Thence he was nicknamed ” 學生王子 “.
香港电影懋业有限公司1957年出品。导演:易文,主演:葛兰,陈厚,吴家骧,方逸华,红薇。 剧情简介 “曼波舞”原意是“摇一摇”,后被介绍到美国,流行世界。这种“任你高兴地摇晃”的曼波舞能自由表现情感。恺玲是李清远夫妇的长女,个性开朗活泼好动,尤其善长歌舞。李清远告诉她,自己并非恺玲的亲生父母。恺玲就四处去寻找自己的亲生父母。她的生母是女洗手间的管理人,自感地位低下,对女儿前途,幸福不利,就没有认恺玲。恺玲也在亲朋好友的劝说下,认识到养父母对自己的一片心血,终于在生日的那天晚上回家庆祝,从此幸福地生活在一起。

10min DBS Main Entrance and Roundabout singing scene
25min DBS School Gym dance scene
Thanks Alex Ko for sharing this information.