Global Call for Sharing from Old Boys and Friends

In memory of Mr. Lowcock, the DSOBA is initiating a global call for old boys and friends to share their words of condolence, memories, thoughts and feelings about Mr. Lowcock and his enormous passion for the School.   Please send your sharing to at...

From John Hung

To Family and Friends of SJ Lowcock Please accept my deepest condolences for a much respected and loved friend Jimmy Lowcock.  May he Rest in Peace. John Hung

A sympathy poem in classical Chinese for Mr. Lowcock – Nicholas L. Chan (’93)

七律.為郭慎墀校長大行作 初度祁寒待曉春。 忽傳帝闕竟為賓。 彤雲漫此乘鳴鳳, 紫社依然賦采蘋。 七粟終存無盡藏, 耄期不倦有涯身。 道成九九登霞處, 撫鼎長思壽者仁。 -composed by Nicholas L. Chan (陳煒舜) of Class ’93, Assistant professor, the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, the Chinese University of Hong Kong...