by Tanky Tang | Mar 24, 2006 | 2006
President Victor Tan (80) Subcommittee Vice President SAL Rahman Desmond Yip (82)Terrence Chang (Hon) (65) Social Alvin Li (86) Kasim Fattedad (97) IPP Stanley Fong (78) Club activities Lawrence Lee (74) Treasurer George Hong Choy (79) Newsletter and... by Tanky Tang | Mar 19, 2006 | 2006
Do you that our governement by her committment has to carry out sustainability assessments on any proposals, but the Tamar proposal has skipped such assessment? It isnt surprising that your answer, like those from the public, are NO. It is difficult for the public... by Tanky Tang | Mar 12, 2006 | 2006
Final results: Grand slam champions! A grade B grade C grade by Tanky Tang | Mar 11, 2006 | 2006
Celebrations after the Interschool Athletics Grand Slam! Click for more photos by Tanky Tang | Mar 8, 2006 | Sports
In order to avoid incorrect handicap reporting and to give everyone a chance of winning, scoring for the tournament is based on the New New Preoria format, whereby 6 holes are drawn and discarded after the tournament and the scores from the remaining 12 holes are used...