From Ramon Lo

Lowcock became Headmaster in 1961, a year after I left DBS in 1960 so I didn’t really know him. Nor has he taught me.

I do remember him clipping me on my ear once.

Somehow, he knows me. My twin elder brothers left for the US in 1961 so Lowcock was never their headmaster either. The only link must be my younger brother who joined me in England in 1964 or so.

I got to know him after I returned to HK in 1971. Our encounters were far and few, yet he has an incredible memory; possibility because of my role at DSOBA or acting as Class of 64’s convener.

From everything I have learnt, he was a great headmaster and human being. Headmasters like that are rare gems.

About 3 years ago, a group of 5 of us visited him at home. He immediately said I don’t know you Ramon, who are you James, etc. He then said I hate people asking if I remember them. I thought that was impressive as he was not supposed to know me.



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